Пройди онлайн тест: какая ты принцесса

Тест: какая ты принцесса из disney?

Share Your Disney Princess Result

Once you’ve completed the quiz, share your results with your friends and family. Compare your Disney Princess match with theirs and celebrate the enchantment that Disney has brought to all of our lives.

Embark on your quest to discover which Disney Princess embodies your unique personality and unlock the magic of a world filled with dreams, adventures, and the power of love. The journey to your Disney Princess match begins here!

One such quality is kindness, as shown by Snow White. Despite knowing the Evil Queen sabotaged her, she didn’t let that change how kind-hearted of a person she is. Another thing to learn is to have hope in the darkest situation, as demonstrated by Cinderella. For someone who lost both of her biological parents and ended up living like a slave in her own home, Cinderella never lost her smile. She stayed true to herself and continued hoping for a better day, ultimately finding true love in the form of Prince Charming.

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Вы Покахонтас. Иногда вы кажетесь отстраненными, как бы в стороне от всех. Вы точно знаете, что нельзя судить людей по внешности, вы очень справедливы и готовы искать истину и докапываться до сути. В конфликтах вы всегда готовы выслушать обе стороны, чтобы вынести мудрое и справедливое решение. Вы всегда за равенство и справедливость, возможно, вы активист какого-нибудь движения и делаете мир лучше вокруг себя, следуя принципу малых дел. А еще вы не боитесь экспериментов со внешностью: скорее всего, у вас есть татуировки, пирсинг или креативное окрашивание. Люди восхищаются вами! 

Делитесь результатами в соцсетях! 


Мы в соцсетях


Настоящий ураган эмоций и темперамента. В глазах окружающих ты настоящий чертенок в юбке, который в детстве играл с мальчишками в войнушку, а повзрослев организовал вокруг себя мужской коллектив, который уважает и боготворит свое начальство. Если ты еще только в процессе карьерного роста, то не сомневайся — так оно и будет. Наверняка ты любишь активный отдых, спорт и очень быстро водишь машину. Однако вместе с мальчишескими чертами характера настоящей пацанки ты умело балансируешь между «своим парнем» и мудрой женщиной, к которой обращаются за советом и мужчины, и женщины, видя в тебе гуру психологии отношений и просто хорошего человека.


Вы восточная красотка Жасмин. Горе тому, кто решит, что вами можно управлять или диктовать вам свои условия. Возможно, на фоне других принцесс вы кажетесь второстепенным персонажем, но это не совсем так. На деле вы стойкая и решительная, вы не боитесь своих недругов и вам чужды условности. Как и Жасмин, вы хорошо видите суть людей сквозь все те маски, что они вам показывают. И именно поэтому вы можете выбрать бедняка Аладдина, отвергнув все золото мира и других принцев. Тот, кто захочет воспользоваться вашей кажущейся беззащитностью, сильно удивится. Вы полны сюрпризов и по-настоящему храбры. Ваше несгибаемое желание получить свое сочетается с настоящей нежностью и женственностью. 


Невозможная непоседа с самого детства повзрослев превратилась в party-girl, без которой не проходит ни одна тусовка. Где в пятницу играет музыка и собираются сливки общества, там обязательно будешь ты, причем в компании тебя уважают и любят за искренность и отсутствие лицемерия

Ты знаешь, как завести толпу и зажечь, а в школе наверняка принимала участие во всевозможных кружках художественной самодеятельности, где невольно перетягивала все внимание на себя, даже если просто держала декорации за кулисами. Неуемный поток энергии и невероятная харизма помогли тебе без труда завоевать популярность и любой окружающих в любом коллективе


Вы Мулан, а значит, вы самоотверженный и храбрый человек. Окружающие восщихаются силой вашего характера и вашим умением получать свое. Возможно, иногда вы излишне упрямы, но это обратная сторона сильного характера. Вам с детства было интереснее всего общаться с мальчиками и играть в “мальчишеские” игры. Казаки-разбойники, вышибалы, 12 палочек — это ваше. Вы берете инициативу в свои руки и всегда готовы бороться со злом. Люди, видя в вас харизматического лидера, сами тянутся к вам и встают на вашу сторону в борьбе за правое дело. Вы не чужды нежных чувств, но умеете подойти к делу с холодной головой и не бросаться в омут при первой же возможности. 

Disney Princesses

Disney Princesses are more than just animated characters; they are embodiments of various qualities, virtues, and dreams. Each princess has her unique charm and traits, making them relatable to different individuals. Let’s explore some of the iconic Disney Princesses and their enchanting characteristics:

Snow White

Snow White, the very first Disney Princess, is known for her timeless grace and unwavering kindness. She is a symbol of innocence and goodness. Her gentle nature and compassionate heart make her a beloved character for those who value empathy and sweetness in their personalities.


Cinderella is a dreamer who teaches us the power of perseverance. Despite facing adversity, she remains hopeful and kind. Her story resonates with those who believe in the transformative magic of dreams and the importance of inner strength.

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

Aurora represents the idea of elegance and a deep connection with nature. She is often associated with serenity and an affinity for beauty. Those who appreciate the grace and the tranquility of the outdoors may find a kindred spirit in Aurora.

Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Ariel is a free spirit with a longing for adventure and exploration. Her curiosity and determination to pursue her dreams resonate with those who have an adventurous and independent streak. If you’re someone who longs for new experiences and the thrill of discovery, Ariel’s spirit may mirror your own.

Belle (Beauty and the Beast)

Belle is known for her love of books and her independent spirit. She represents intelligence, courage, and the belief that there’s more to a person than their exterior. If you’re a bookworm with a deep appreciation for inner beauty and strength, Belle’s characteristics may align with your own.

Jasmine (Aladdin)

Jasmine is a fiercely independent and strong-willed princess who seeks freedom and equality. Her adventurous spirit and determination to chart her own course resonate with those who value autonomy and self-expression.


Pocahontas is deeply connected to the natural world and possesses a strong sense of spirituality. Her wisdom and harmony with nature appeal to those who value environmental consciousness and a profound connection to the Earth.


Mulan is the epitome of courage and determination. Her story showcases the strength of character and the willingness to do whatever it takes to protect loved ones. If you have a strong sense of bravery and a willingness to stand up for what you believe in, you might relate to Mulan.

Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)

Tiana embodies hard work, determination, and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Her story celebrates ambition and the pursuit of dreams. If you’re someone who values perseverance and dedication, Tiana’s characteristics may resonate with you.

Rapunzel (Tangled)

Rapunzel represents the desire for adventure and self-discovery. Her journey to uncover her true identity speaks to those who crave personal growth, independence, and a sense of purpose.

Merida (Brave)

Merida is a symbol of independence and a strong-willed spirit. Her story centers on the pursuit of her own destiny and the breaking of stereotypes. If you value your freedom and have a strong sense of self, Merida’s characteristics may align with your personality.

Elsa (Frozen)

Elsa, the Snow Queen, symbolizes the power of self-acceptance and self-expression. Her journey to embrace her unique abilities resonates with those who have struggled with self-identity and the courage to be true to themselves.

Now that you’ve gained insight into the enchanting characteristics of these Disney Princesses, you can better appreciate the diverse qualities and virtues they bring to the world of Disney. As you embark on our «Which Disney Princess Are You?» quiz, consider which princess’s characteristics align with your own, and uncover your inner Disney Princess.

Which Disney Princess Are You? Quiz

Now, it’s time to discover which Disney Princess aligns with your personality. Our «Which Disney Princess Are You?» quiz will take you on an enchanting adventure through the world of Disney. You’ll answer a series of intriguing questions that will unveil the Disney Princess who shares your spirit and essence.

With our quiz, you can unlock the magic within you and connect with a Disney Princess whose personality is a mirror of your own. Whether you’re bold and adventurous, gentle and kind, or spirited and determined, there’s a Disney Princess waiting to guide you through the realms of enchantment.

As you journey through this enchanting quiz, you’ll not only discover which Disney Princess suits your personality but also gain insights into the world of Disney and the timeless magic it brings to our lives. Unveil your inner Disney Princess and embrace the enchantment that awaits.

Which Disney Princess are You?

Disney movies are best known for their well-known princesses. They have unique personality traits, appearances, and styles that win the hearts of fans. You’re probably a fan of one or more, and sometimes you like to be like them. If you are one of these people, say, “Which Disney Princess are you?” Each of you may have different answers because you have special interests. If you want to have fun and know who you look like, do an online “Which Disney Princess are you?” quiz.

All Disney animations, cartoons, and movies have unique features and stories. Which Disney collection did you enjoy the most? Many of you would say they are all good and you like to watch them several times.

The characters of all the series are also unforgettable, and each of them evokes different things in our minds. Some of these characters are known for their goodness and others for their evil. Many fans sometimes see a lot in common between them and the Disney characters. And so they are curious to know which one they look like. “Which Disney character are you?” quiz is the best and easiest way to satisfy their curiosity.

You may even want to know what villains look like. If you are looking for fun to answer this question, you can take the quiz, “Which Disney villain are you?” These are all personality quizzes, and you have to answer several personality-based questions to get the answer you want.

On the other hand, some people want to test their knowledge of everything, including characters, stories, and scenes. Or they may want to get a general overview and understanding of these. Disney Trivia is one of the best online resources for these people. In this fun quiz, you will answer a number of general questions. So, at the end of the quiz, you will understand your level of knowledge and also learn new things.


Ты отличаешься впечатлительностью и тонко чувствуешь окружающий мир и людей вокруг себя. Про таких говорят — сверхчувствительный человек с высоким уровнем эмпатии. И действительно — твоя интуиция позволяет тебе с легкостью определять, кому стоит доверять, а с кем лучше держать ухо в остро. Исключение составляет только семья, где ты стремишься расслабиться и отдохнуть, поэтому можешь брать на себя все домашние работы, чтобы добиться похвалы и признания со стороны домочадцев, привыкших к такому положению вещей. Однако не стоит делать что-то лишь ради одобрения со стороны — ты никому ничего не должна, поэтому попробуй начать жить своей жизнью, тогда с тобой будут считаться и общаться с тобой на равных.

Which Disney Princess do I look Like?

This is a question that all teenage girls may often ask themselves or their friends. Because looking like a princess is usually everyone’s dream. To know which princess you look like, you need to know all of their personality and appearance traits. For example, here is everything about some of the famous ones:


She is a beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes who is a symbol of kindness and honesty. In any situation, she tries to be cheerful and think positively about everything. Cinderella enjoys sewing, and one of her best hobbies is fashion design. One of her surprising abilities is animal empathy and communication. That’s why her only friends are animals. She has an unconscious desire to take care of others, which is one of her behavioral disorders.


Ariel is one of the most curious and daring Disney princesses. She enjoys adventure and discovering new things, and she’s amazed by them. Because she is a mermaid, she maintained her ability to talk to sea creatures even when she became human. Princess Ariel wants to do whatever she wants, and that’s why her biggest fear is to say that something is impossible. Travel and adventure are her hobbies.


Belle is one of Disney‘s clever princesses who loves to read books. She always makes rational decisions in times of crisis and can do anything with her intelligence. Belle is very confident in her choices and usually does not like to be told what to do. Despite living in the village for many years, she has great peak-human agility and endurance. Belle loves reading and spends her free time with her books. She also dislikes Selfishness, rudeness, and manipulation.


Rapunzel is one of Disney‘s lovable, witty, and slightly shy princesses. Her goal is to experience the outside world and sees the “floating lights.” Her cheerful and hyperactive character captivates the hearts of her fans, and everyone loves her. Singing, adventure, and dancing are Rapunzel’s favorite hobbies. Agility and the ability to adapt to environments and situations are her most extraordinary abilities. One of the exciting things about Rapunzel is that she does not like cats.

As you know, there are many Disney princesses, each of which has its characteristics. It may be difficult for you to read and compare the features of all of them to see which one you look like. Do you know what the best way is? Playing a “Which Disney Princess are You?” quiz. In this quiz, you will see amazing results by answering some simple personality questions.

Why Are Disney Princesses So Endearing?

Disney Princesses aren’t just a collection of animated characters; they represent timeless values that resonate with the inner child in all of us. Here are a few reasons why Disney Princesses continue to captivate audiences around the world:

1. Timeless Appeal: Disney Princesses’ stories are rooted in classic themes like love, bravery, and the triumph of good over evil. These themes are timeless and resonate with people of all ages.

2. Relatable Personalities: Each Disney Princess possesses distinct characteristics and personality traits, making it easy for people to identify with them on a personal level.

3. Lessons and Morals: Disney Princess tales often include valuable life lessons, encouraging kindness, courage, and perseverance.

4. The Power of Dreams: Disney Princesses teach us that dreams can come true, encouraging us to reach for the stars and believe in ourselves.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

In a world of enchantment and wonder, Disney has gifted us with a plethora of beloved characters, each possessing unique qualities and traits that resonate with different personalities. Disney princesses have been captivating hearts for generations, each representing their distinct charm and qualities. These iconic characters aren’t just fictional; they serve as role models, reflecting values like courage, kindness, and determination.

Our quiz aims to connect you with the Disney princess that mirrors your unique personality. Before you embark on this magical journey, let’s delve into the enchanting world of Disney and its timeless princesses. Whether you’re an adventurous spirit like Moana, a bookworm like Belle, or a dreamer like Cinderella, there’s a Disney Princess whose personality aligns with yours. Unveil the enchanting world of Disney with our «Which Disney princess are you?» quiz.


Очаровательная, смешливая и легкая в общении — такой тебя считают окружающие. Мужчины не могут устоять, слыша твой заливистый смех и стараются рассмешить тебя еще больше, а сделать это не так уж сложно. Ты умеешь казать свои выгодные стороны и тщательно припрятать нелицеприятные черты, коих у тебя слишком мало, чтобы их демонстрировать. Ты открыта новому, но с трудом отказываешься от привычных вещей, предпочитая менять свою жизнь постепенно, шаг за шагом

Смелые взгляды на происходящее, отважное противостояние трудностям и нескончаемый оптимизм помогут тебе на пути к твоей цели, какой бы она ни была


Воплощение женственности и силы духа в одном лице. «Коня на скаку остановит, в горящую избу войдет» — это в точности про тебя. Сюда нужно добавить только то, что после горящих изб и резвых скачек ты умудряешься выглядеть так, будто весь день провела в SPA и в заботливых руках косметолога, а после отправилась на шоппинг. Сильная женщина с твердым характером, которая умеет прятать коготки и становиться пушистым мурчащим существом, находясь в надежных мужских руках. Ты знаешь, когда нужно проявить твердость характера, а когда лучше прикинуться наивной или не знающей чего-то девочкой, чтобы потешить самолюбие своего мужчины.

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