What are the different types of pelvic floor trainer?
There are a few different styles of pelvic exerciser and you may need to try one or two before you can decide which is right for you. If you dislike the idea of inserting something, you can try starting with an app that instructs you on how to do manual kegels.
These are the main types of pelvic floor trainer to consider:
- Biofeedback wearables and devices — wearables are inserted into the vagina like a tampon and are used to ensure you’re contracting your pelvic floor muscles correctly when doing exercises. Most wearables are connected to an app that can provide detailed feedback on your workout and monitor your progress.
- Apps and smartphone games — you can also use pelvic floor training apps without connecting them to a wearable. Apps can guide you through your Kegels and some even have even gamified the process to help you master your technique.
- Kegel weights and Kegel balls — similar to other wearables, Kegel weights and balls are inserted into the vagina and used to help you perform Kegels correctly. Usually, they aren’t linked to an app so won’t monitor your progress.
- Electrical muscle stimulation — delivering gentle muscles stimulations, pelvic trainers like the INNOVO Pelvic Floor Device stimulate the pelvic floor to strengthen muscles and improve bladder function.
With so many options available, it’s important to speak with your doctor before undertaking any form of exercise or purchasing an at-home device. , who trained in both aesthetic medicine and general practice, says, «While most are safe for use, there are contraindications such as those with implants, prolapse or vaginal atrophy. It is very important to be aware that there is no regulation of these machines, so it is very important to do as much research as possible.»
How to choose the best pelvic floor trainer for you
- Consider whether they’re right for you to begin with: A common misconception about pelvic floor trainers is that everyone can use them. This isn’t the case, Dr Lakhani says. «Anyone experiencing urinary incontinence, pelvic pain or pressure, hip pain, sexual difficulty, or fecal incontinence should have a professional examination first trying to use one of these devices.»
- Choose between Kegel balls or a trainer: These are two of the most popular types of pelvic floor trainers and the top-rated ones on our list. However, they are very different. “Pelvic floor trainers are most often a small contraption often connected to an app on your phone. The device is inserted into the vagina and helps you to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly,” says Dr Lakhani. «Kegel balls, which are small, weighted balls, have been used for centuries and are inserted into the vagina.»
- Bluetooth connectivity or not: Similarly, you may decide that using a pelvic floor trainer with smartphone connectivity features is a little too much for you. These devices do tend to be more complex than even non-manual, battery-operated devices.
- Short-term or long-term trainer: Some trainers can make a difference in just a couple of weeks whereas others require a longer-term commitment of a few months minimum. After speaking to your doctor and before buying, consider the variety of trainers out there and how long they’ve suggested you use the device.
The pelvic floor and gluteus maximus are the two least exercised muscles in our whole body. No surprise theen that women suffer from issues regarding them. But just like every other muscles of your body, these muscles need to get worked out regularly. Our Pelvic Muscle Trainer, not only strenghten, tone and give the needed exercise to these muscles, but also enhances your hip line, improves pelvic tilt, reduces cellulite, creates perfect thigh gap, and helps with bladder control.
This amazing device is perfect for exercising your pelvic floor, which consists of a layer of muscles that help with bladder control, recovery after childbirth and intimate relations. With the Pelvic Muscle Trainer, you can maintain a healthy pelvis, while squeezing those buttocks into shape!
Strong glutes and hamstrings are very important to the overall health of your pelvic floor, firming your booty, all the while helping you with self-confidence.
This Pelvic Muscle Hip Trainer is your new must-have exercise equipment! It helps to improve your posture if you spend a considerable amount of time sitting behind a desk or any other sedentary job. Easy, effective and fun to use.
It’s lightweight and small but offers a thorough workout wherever you choose to use it. Whether you’re at home or at the office, you’ll find that it’s convenient and easy to strengthen and mold those buttock muscles into shape using this training device.
- Lifts and strengthens butt muscles: the trainer activates your dormant thigh adductor and gluteus maximus muscles and helps achieve a natural butt lift.
- Prevents urinary incontinence: pregnancy, aging, surgery, overweight and excessive constipation are the most common causes of weak and leaky bladders. Our Pelvic Muscle Trainer helps you regain control through voluntarily exercising affected muscles.
- Improves pelvic anterior tilt: very common among office workers, athletes, and the elderly, pelvic anterior tilt can be cured by activating pelvic muscles to support the movement.
- Reduces thigh cellulite: by exercising those adductor muscles, the trainer helps reduce the cellulite from the thighs.
- Creates the perfect thigh gap: the trainer removes unhealthy fat and helps achieve your highly desired thigh gap.
How to use the Pelvic Muscle Trainer
- Place the Pelvic Muscle Hip Trainer product at 1-2 inches below the buttocks. The thigh needs to be clamped hard to form a tension posture. The heels are closed, and the toes are separated by 40 degrees.
- The thigh adductor muscles are slowly exerting force, while the gluteus maximus muscles are simultaneously exerting force to close the trainer.
- Breathe from the bottom of the abdomen for 5 seconds, then slowly inhaling and return. Repeat 8-12 times.
To achieve better pelvic floor strength, bladder control, and self-confidence, use this exercise tool 3 times a week, 3-5 minutes on each workout, concentrating on using the correct technique while paying close attention to your muscle movements.
Suitable to women who work sedentary, postpartum mothers, or are simply worried about the flatness of the buttocks. This hip exerciser is recommended. Ass tightness will make you younger and more beautiful.
Do not forget to check out other products in our store.
Как сделать тренажер для вумбилдинга
Если перед покупкой профессионального прибора хочется убедиться в его необходимости, можно попробовать некоторые виды тренировок с тренажерами, сделанными своими руками. Как сделать тренажер для вумбилдинга так, чтобы не навредить и получить полное представление о процессе?
Для начала лучше выбрать самый простой по устройству вид – вагинальные шарики. Подберите предмет округлой или чуть вытянутой формы диаметром от 3 до 3,5 см. Можно применять практически любые материалы (стекло, пластик, металл и даже небольшие латексные мячики). Самое главное, чтобы поверхность предмета была гладкой, без грубых швов, сколов, повреждений. Поместите шарик в презерватив и приступайте к занятию. Полученный тренажер можно преобразовать в грузовой, если к внешнему кольцу презерватива прикрепить крючок (не острый) с утяжелителем. В качестве груза можно использовать пакеты или пластиковые бутылочки с водой, крупой, песком или любым другим наполнителем. Главное не перестараться, для первого опыта рекомендуют выбирать груз массой не более 150 грамм.
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Disclaimer: All content found on our website, including images, videos, infographics and text were created solely for informational purposes. Our content should never be used for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions. Content shared on our websites is not meant to be used as a substitute for advice from a certified medical professional. Reliance on the information provided on our website as a basis for patient treatment is solely at your own risk. We urge all our customers to always consult a physician or a certified medical professional before trying or using a new medical product.
Managing Pelvic Floor Muscle Weakness
The only way to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is by strengthening the muscles and retraining them to ensure that the muscles function efficiently and comfortably. Managing the side effects of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction includes using aids such as:
- Incontinence Aids – Incontinence aids such as adult diapers, briefs, adult underwear, underpads, incontinence clamps, etc., can help manage all forms of incontinence caused by pelvic floor weakness which includes urinary and fecal incontinence.
- Urological Supplies – Urological supplies such as catheters, drainage bags, catheter irrigation syringes, urinals, bedpans, etc., can be great medical aids while managing the incontinence developed by weak pelvic floor muscles.
- Kegel Exercises – Kegel exercising aids are specially designed medical aids to help a person strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. They are enhanced with a wide range of features that help to retrain the pelvic floor muscles for easy and efficient functioning.
Описание Электростимулятор MedLar Pelvifine KM516B
Элетростимулятор MedLar Pelvifine KM516B представляет собой простой и эффективный тренажер тазового дна.
Данное устройство предназначено для использования женщинами в любом возрасте. Оно позволяет укрепить мышцы тазового дна и избавиться от достаточно распространенной проблемы недержания мочи.
3 типа недержания, с которыми справляется Pelvifine:
- Стрессовое недержание. Происходит при эмоциональных перегрузках, а также при резком кашле, чихании, подъеме по лестнице.
- Ургентное (императивное, срочное) недержание — это невозможность сдерживать внезапный сильный позыв к мочеиспусканию.
- Смешанное недержание — имеют место признаки обоих видов недержания: стрессового и ургентного.
Нарушение тонуса мышц таза происходит из-за естественных возрастных изменений, низкой физической активности, нарушений осанки, множественных родов, прерываний беременности, лишнего веса или резкого похудения и других причин. Плотная упругая пластина слабеет, провисает, перестает выполнять свою поддерживающую функцию. Слабые мышцы тазового дна в свою очередь негативно сказываются на здоровье и самочувствие женщины.
Как работает прибор?
Прибор генерирует слабые электрические импульсы, которые стимулируют активность мышц тазового дна. Низкочастотный импульс вызывает сокращение гладкой мускулатуры в сосудистых стенках, активизируя кровоток, клеточный обмен и другие процессы.
- 8 режимов работы, позволяющие повышать интенсивность нагрузки на мышцы по мере их укрепления в результате регулярных тренировок;
- безопасность и простота применения;
- не требует концентрации внимания;
- заметный эффект уже через несколько недель.
Программы устройства:
- P01 пролапс.
- P02/03 недержание мочи.
- P04 тренировка на выносливость.
- P05 восстановительная тренировка.
- P06 сокращение мышц.
- P07 отсутствие чувствительности.
- P08 комплексная тренировка.
Показания к применению:
- потеря тонуса интимных мышц;
- опущение стенок влагалища;
- подготовка тазовых мышц к беременности и родам;
- легкое недержание мочи;
- потеря чувствительности во время секса.
- Фирменная коробка.
- Основное устройство.
- Зонд.
- Провод.
- 2 батарейки типа ААА.
- Руководство пользователя.
Пожизненное бесплатное сервисное обслуживание на всю продукцию MedLar.
Читать описание полностью
Тип тренажера
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Who can use a pelvic floor trainer?
You can start pelvic floor exercises at any age and any stage in your life, it’s never too early or late. As with any muscle, the pelvic floor can become stronger and more effective the more you work it, says , who specializes in women’s health and physiotherapy.
It’s a common misconception that pelvic issues only affect older women — pelvic floor dysfunction is present across all ages. Pelvic pain, incontinence, painful sex, and painful masturbation can all occur in the late teens right through to when the begin and the period starts. Pelvic issues and pelvic pain are also common in former athletes, research from the reveals, as these muscles tend to come under particular strain over years of exercise.
While pelvic floor trainers are suitable for a host of conditions and are proven to be hugely beneficial in managing certain painful situations, Maher, who is also the co-inventor of , also recommends them for some people experiencing issues as a result of certain life stages such as «urinary stress incontinence and for women who have just experienced childbirth,» she says.
Ultimately, you should speak with your doctor before using a pelvic floor trainer. You may need physical therapy and certain devices may also worsen your condition.
Five Best Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women
1. Kegel Exercises
Also known as pelvic muscle training, Kegels include contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises are often done by stopping the urine midstream and contracting the pelvic muscles. Holding this position for nearly five seconds before releasing them and holding them again after five seconds. Repeating this three times a day for a total of nine times, which completes one set of Kegels.
2. Squats
Squats are one of the most common exercises in a lower body training schedule and would be prescribed to you for strengthening your pelvic muscles by almost all physiotherapists and medical professionals around the country. They are easy to execute and can be done at any time of the day. All you need to do is stand in an upright position by spreading your legs to shoulder width. Bend your knees and push your hips and butt back as if sitting on a chair. Drop down into the sitting position and hold it for a couple of seconds. Repeat this 12-15 times in one squatting set.
3. Bird Dog
The name bird dog comes from the two poses one makes while doing this exercise. You start on all fours keeping your hands under your shoulder and knees under your hips. Start by raising your left leg and right arm and keeping the rest of the body stable and straight. Hold this position for a couple of seconds. Come back to the original position and then continue by raising your right leg and left arm. This completes one rep. Make a total of 10 reps for one set and three sets a day.
4. Bridge
This exercise does great for your glutes as well as your pelvic floor muscles. Start by lying down on the floor, and the knees bent to a 90 degrees angle. Inhale deeply and raise your hips using the support of the heels and the palms. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and then release. Continue this for 10-15 reps for one set and 2-3 sets daily. Ensure that you rest between every set.
5. Split Tabletop
One of the most common exercises included in a Pilates schedule, they help by activating your hip and pelvic muscles. Begin by lying down on the floor in a position where your knees are perpendicular to the floor, and the calves are parallel to the floor. Then slowly split your knees in opposite directions till a comfortable position. Raise them back to the original position. Complete this for 10-15 reps to make one set and three sets a day.
What are the Side Effects of Weakened Pelvic Floor Muscles?
There are a lot of reasons that can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, such as injuries, neuromuscular conditions, childbirth, pregnancy, etc. Other common factors that might weaken the pelvic floor muscles are:
- Age
- Obesity
- Heavy lifting
- Chronic coughing
Weakened pelvic floor muscles give rise to a number of conditions since they affect the functioning of the urinary system as well as the reproductive system. Some of the most common side effects are:
- Incontinence
- Uncontrollable passing of gas
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Constipation
- Vaginismus
- Rectal Pain
- Fecal Incontinence
- Endometriosis
- Testicular Pain
- Interstitial Cystitis
Не используйте устройство, если у Вас:
прошло менее 6 недель после оперативных вмешательств в области гениталий либо после родов. Стимуляция может нарушить процесс заживления.
установлен кардиостимулятор или любые электронные устройства медицинского назначения;
имеются нарушения сердечного ритма или боль невыясненной природы, установленные имплантаты (из металла или сплавов) либо есть некие сомнения по применению;
установлена контрацептивная металлосодержащая (медь, серебро, золото) внутриматочная спираль. Если установлена спираль, не содержащая металла, то стимуляцию проводить можно, однако строго рекомендуется предварительно проконсультироваться с врачом;
поставлен диагноз «эпилепсия»
Применение стоит ограничить, так как стимуляция может повлиять на порог судорог;
выявлены тромбофлебит, почечная и печеночная недостаточность или расширение вен в области малого таза и влагалища;
выявлены миома матки, эндометриоз, геморрой в острой стадии, полное выпадение матки (3-4 степень пролапса);
есть нарушения свертываемости крови, используйте тренажёр с осторожностью, так как стимуляция усиливает приток крови к области воздействия;
есть симптомы активной инфекции мочевыводящих путей, вагинальных инфекций, гнойных воспалительных процессов или локальных поражений. Введение зонда может раздражать чувствительные ткани и ухудшать течение болезни.
имеются болезненные ощущения в области таза
Возможно, Вы не сможете безопасно контролировать интенсивность стимуляции;
есть боли в области малого таза неустановленной этиологии (если не был установлен диагноз и не проводилось полного обследования). Это может затруднить диагностику прогрессирующего состояния.
Testing the best pelvic floor trainers
How we tested
I spoke to experts such as , an aesthetic physician and intimate health expert, to determine what makes the best pelvic floor trainer and how to use a pelvic floor trainer in the best way. We also asked for her recommendations on the best ones to use — ranging from products suitable for those totally new to the devices to those who’ve used them many times before.
«Your pelvic floor is essential for controlling your bladder and bowel movements and it can get weaker over time, as a result of childbirth and also as we age,» she says. «Pelvic floor trainers can be really useful to target the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles at the neck of the bladder. Many people use them to improve control over bladder and bowel functions and for recovery after childbirth. They can also help reduce the risk of prolapse and improve sex lives, which is why you’ll often see kegel balls in round-ups of the as well.”
As well as seeking expert advice on what makes a good pelvic floor trainer, I tested them myself and called in fellow testers where needed. Through the testing process, we considered the following criteria:
- Comfort: Pelvic floor trainers need to be comfortable. Most programs recommend using the devices regularly for best results, so the trainers need to be easy to insert and manageable to hold during use. We only included devices in our range that I found comfortable to use.
- Functionality: While we can’t speak to the long-term use of the device as I only tested these trainers for a couple of weeks, it was important that I could feel the trainer working on my pelvic floor muscles. I tested this either using the app that came with the device, as this often reveals whether you’re doing it right, or by using my own knowledge of pelvic floor exercises and Kegel exercises.
- Ease of use: No one wants a struggle with their pelvic floor trainer. This goes for ease of use both with the trainer itself and any associated technology, so I noted whether the trainer was easy to use and gain results from, and whether the technology was simple to navigate for potential first-time users.
- Type of pelvic floor trainer: There are many types of pelvic floor trainers out there, so we tested a variety — from classic trainers to Bluetooth-enabled devices, mechanical kegel balls to manual ones. “Apps can monitor your progress and set different workouts and will most likely lead you through a series of exercises and workouts that are usually five to ten minutes long. Pelvic exercisers work best if you use them consistently over time. The app will usually remind you when it’s time to do the exercises and it can help you stick to a routine,» says Dr Lakhani.
- На задней стороне устройства расположен отсек для батареек. Сдвиньте крышку отсека, внутрь него поместите 2 батарейки AAA, строго соблюдая указанную полярность, закройте отсек.
- Убедитесь, что вагинальный зонд чист перед применением и после него. Промойте его под струёй теплой воды перед и после каждого применения. После обработки водой зонд необходимо вытереть насухо.
- Подключите соединительные провода к вагинальному зонду.
- Подключите соединительные провода к тренажеру.
- Поместите вагинальный зонд во влагалище:— примите удобную позицию, чаще всего комфортно вводить зонд в положении лёжа на спине или подняв одну ногу, согнув в колене;— держите зонд за конец в месте соединения с проводами;-аккуратно введите наконечник зонда во влагалище и после этого медленно продвигайте его глубже, приблизительно на 5,5 см. Большая часть зонда будет оставаться снаружи. Для облегчения введения мы рекомендуем применять гелевый лубрикант на водной основе. Его применение также улучшит проводимость импульсов от зонда к тканям.
- Включите устройство. Для включения/выключения устройства зажмите клавишу включения/выключения на 2 секунды.
- Нажмите клавишу MODE для выбора программы тренировки. После этого нажмите клавишу «+»(слева) для выбора уровня мощности. Сначала мощность будет на уровне 1. Максимальная мощность – 40 уровень. Если ощущения от тренировки приносят дискомфорт – уменьшите её клавишей «-»
- После завершения тренировки выключите устройство (нижняя кнопка на пульте) и аккуратно вытяните зонд за основание (не за провода!).
- Очистите зонд под струёй воды и насухо вытрите его.
Применять только после консультации с врачом
- лицам до 18 лет без медицинских показаний, назначения врача и соответствующего обследования;
- до начала половой жизни, так как применение вагинального зонда может привести к дефлорации (разрыв девственной плевы);
- во время беременности;
- при наличии туберкулеза или злокачественных опухолей, повышенном/пониженном артериальном давлении, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваниях, высокой температуре тела или остром воспалительном процессе;
- если у Вас возникает раздражение тканей, то необходимо немедленно прекратить использование и проконсультироваться с врачом перед дальнейшим использованием;
- если установлен барьерный контрацептив (шеечный колпачок или мембрана), урогинекологический пессарий;
- во время менструации, особенно в момент обильных выделений.